Easily Upgradeable Systems & Equipment

You’re tasked with keeping your systems up-to-date and running smoothly. You also need to adapt to changing process demands and new applications.

At Denton Vacuum, we are focused on making tools and solutions that are upgradeable, both for modernization and repurposing to a new process. We will refurbish your existing equipment to increase your capability and extend the overall life of your system – even if we didn’t manufacture the original system!

Our service engineers are among the most skilled and knowledgeable in the industry, so you can feel confident that your system refurb or upgrade will be smooth.

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Complete System Overhaul

Need a complete system overhaul? From valves to software controls, we can replace all or some of the major components of your system and, in doing so, engineer, design, test and install the system, including all components and subsystems. We typically perform complete system overhauls at our global service facility in Moorestown, NJ. Other services can be performed at your location.

Control Systems Retrofit

State-of-the-art systems control can dramatically improve your overall process management — optimally maintaining the consistency and repeatability of your specific process within your desired range and outcome — while increasing your capabilities and return on investment (ROI). Denton’s control systems with proprietary ProcessPro or ProcessPro-HV (based on a programmable automation controller that drives all system operations) retrofit adds fully-automated controls and software to your existing system, providing users at every level with unique features that enhance productivity and yield.

Users in the production environment, for example, will find distinct operating modes for production operators, real-time visualization of system operations, and full programmability of setpoints and alarms. ProcessPro and ProcessPro-HV support remote diagnostics as well.

Note that for systems not originally manufactured by Denton, a control systems retrofit is required before any other upgrades are available.

Partial System Modifications and Upgrades

Denton leverages our 50 years of experience in designing, engineering and manufacturing high-performance, highly reliable thin film technology vacuum deposition systems that can optimize your existing equipment. Whether you need controls, software, deposition sources, or substrate fixturing, we will make your system better—more reliable and more efficient.

Discovery V

Sample Upgrades for Large Equipment

  • Software & automation controls
  • Touchscreen to computer control with recipe capability
  • Rotation, heat or gate valves
  • Additional sources & supplies
  • Load lock (transfer mechanism)
  • Magnetron sputtering sources
  • Spit-free indium source
  • Ion sources

With large equipment upgrades, most work will be done on-site at your facility, but some equipment must be sent to our main factory in New Jersey. Any Process-Pro enabled tools are capable of remote access for quick diagnosis and/or repair, depending on your facility’s restrictions.

Benchtop Turbo

Sample Upgrades for Small Equipment (In-House)

Desk V

  • Add deposition monitor, etch or rotation
  • Convert Desk III (PDA) to Desk IV (touchscreen)

DV-502 Refurb

  • Add touchscreen or new electrical
  • Add Auto-Lift
  • Replace Hi-Vac poppet valve with gate valve

Benchtop Turbo

  • Add heat, rotation or sources

When looking at upgrades for small equipment, many must be performed in-house; however, certain work can be done on-site if required. All Process-Pro enabled tools are capable of remote access for quick diagnosis and/or repair, depending on your facility’s restrictions.