
A consistent, repeatable and well-engineered vacuum deposition system is critical to your work. But the benefits shouldn’t stop there. Your system needs to be backed by a team of service and support experts who understand your technical challenges and know how to solve them – and who can help you upgrade your equipment when the time comes.

One thing we hear again and again at Denton Vacuum is that our support makes the difference – we believe in customers for life. From the initial sales conversations through ongoing support, we are here to help make sure that your equipment is running efficiently to keep your product development and production on track. Our service contracts are a perfect way to augment your internal resources, which may already be stretched.

Field & Equipment Service

We are dedicated to keeping your Denton Vacuum solution operating in top form, and to that end, we provide phone and email support Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm EST. We also offer optional on-site support for on-demand service, preventative maintenance, leak detection and training. Contact us for details.

Contact Support

Service Agreements

We offer service agreements as a cost-effective solution to ensure optimal system performance. We offer various levels of agreements, including: Routine or Preventative Maintenance, Equipment Repair, Calibration and Training. Our agreements are available in one or two-year commitments.

Visits Per Year2 or more4 or more
Typical Service Visit Duration2-4 days, depending on equipment2-4 days, depending on equipment
Phone/Email SupportIncludedIncluded
Additional Online Visits5% discount from list price10% discount from list price
Spare Parts5% discount from list price10% discount from list price
Service ProvidedA system check and report on the condition of equipment, minor repairs or adjustments performed, follow up corrective action required, recommended parts replacement or available upgrades. This time can also be used for additional maintenance or operator training.
Parts ProvidedRoutine PM parts; i.e.: O-rings, non-consumable parts
Service Visit Carry OverNo; unless previously scheduled with Denton prior to expiration of SA
Travel ExpensesBilled at actual; can be included in contract. Additional travel expenses may be applied for expedited technician dispatch.