Denton Vacuum Licenses 4Wave Ion Beam Portfolio
01/26/21 – Moorestown, NJ — Denton Vacuum LLC today announced it has entered into an exclusive licensing agreement with 4Wave Incorporated covering ion beam deposition and etch technologies. T…
Denton Vacuum Acquires Isoflux Inc. Cylindrical Cathode Portfolio
06/09/20 – Moorestown, NJ — Denton Vacuum LLC today announced it has purchased the assets of Isoflux Inc. relating to their cylindrical cathode technology. This includes both equipment intelle…
Denton Vacuum Announces New Senior Director of Sales
07/08/19 – Moorestown, NJ – Denton Vacuum, LLC today named Sam DiRenzo as its new Sr. Director of Sales and Service, with responsibility for North America, South America, Europe and Middle East. Sa…
Denton Vacuum Sells First Discovery 200 Sputter System to Medical Implant Manufacturer
06/18/19 – MOORESTOWN, N.J. – Denton Vacuum LLC today announced the sale and shipment of its new Discovery 200 deposition system to a worldwide market-leading manufacturer of medical implants.…
Denton Vacuum Announces New Director of Sales for South East Asia
02/28/19 – Moorestown, NJ – Denton Vacuum, LLC today named Koh Kwan Loke as its new Director of Sales, South East Asia. Koh Kwan (KK) brings to Denton Vacuum over 30 years’ experience in a wide v…
Denton Sells First Versa Cluster Sputtering System to Telecom Industry Manufacturer
01/29/19 – Moorestown, NJ — Denton Vacuum LLC today announced the sale of its new Versa Cluster deposition system to a California-based, worldwide market-leading manufacturer of innovative optical …
Denton Vacuum Appoints New Technology Leadership
10/31/17 – Moorestown, NJ — Denton Vacuum, LLC, a leading supplier of research and production scale thin film technology systems, is pleased to announce its recent hire of Brian Desmarais, who has …
veonis Technologies GmbH Partners with Denton Vacuum, LLC, Thin Film Technology Manufacturer
09/22/17 – Moorestown, NJ — veonis Technologies GmbH, a leading pan-European supplier of manufacturing and metrology equipment, materials and services to the semiconductor and optics indu…
Denton Vacuum Appoints New Global Product Manager
04/10/17 – Moorestown, NJ – Denton Vacuum LLC, a leading supplier of research and production scale thin film technology systems, is pleased to announce its recent hire of David C. Douglass, PhD, wh…
Denton Vacuum Featured in US Business Executive Magazine
10/06/16 – Denton Vacuum, LLC, a global leader in enabling innovation to those researchers, developers and high-volume producers in the thin film deposition industry, was featured in the latest issue…